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Senin, 25 Januari 2016

An invitation letter to be a part of life

Barcelona, 20160125
Assalamu'alaykum Wr. Wb.

In the name of Allah. The most gracious and the most merciful.
In my lack of mind. As I remembered, I never say this to you. After listening tausiyah through ustadz, I would like to say officially that:

I LOVE YOU due to ALLAH. I officially want to share my love and my all Allah's givings to you. I officially want us entering the jannah together. So be in your mind. I want to be your close-friend, blessed-couple, perfect love and build our family with all we have been planned.

Hard and smooth, difficult and easy, down and up, poor and rich, modern and isolated, sad and happy, bitter and sweet, dangerous and safe, old and young, stupid and smart, dunya wal akhirah, I wish we both in togetherness. We are nearly in official couple by Allah. I hope our name has written clearly in lauh mahfudz as the really and obviously couple. Past is mine. Now and future are ours! Biidznillah 
Wassalamu'alaykum Wr.Wb.

Yang hina tiada daya



Uhibbukafillah, bang. I love abang too because Allah SWT. May Allah let us and our family enter jannah together ya. Please also keep in mind Q.S. Attaubah: 24 and ibu. I am the 7th after them. Bismillah.
Allah Taála
Muhammad SAW



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