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Kamis, 15 September 2011

Beasiswa Korea Selatan - Gyeongsang National University

It is pleasure to announce that there is an opening for students who want to join a PhD course or combined master + PhD course (Going to directly Ph.D. course without master thesis after B.S.) in Department of Aerospace Engineering, Gyeongsang National University, South Korea.
The successful candidate will do research under the advise of Prof. Jin-Hwe Kweon in Structures and Composites Lab. Research areas include testing and finite element analysis of:
1.     Composite Cylinder under hydrostatic pressure.
2.     Mechanical and bonding joints between composite materials. 
3.     Sandwich structures. 
4.    Composite structure under impact. 
5.    Composite materials under harsh environment. 
6.    Composite structures reinforced by Z-pins.
The Lab. is one of the most active research groups in Korea in composite materials. 
1.     Benefits: Full scholarship, Support for living cost (starts from about USD 600 and      increases depending on yearly performance evaluation up to the maximum of USD 1000), Chance to present paper at international conference once a year, eligible for university dormitory 
2.     Requirements: Only for Ph.D. or integrated master and Ph.D. course (Going to directly Ph.D. course without master thesis after B.S.), Major in mechanical or aerospace engineering, Report card, English skill for communication and writing (Score report for TOEFL will be considered for priority), Full time in study and research. Students with an interested in the scholarship are welcome to send documents to Prof Kweon ( for applications.


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